We like to introduce our company as one of the leading House of International Trades, representing many internationally reputed manufacturers and exporters of the world for marketing their products in Bangladesh.
Since 1984 we have been representing M/s. Forain s.r.l. – Italy for marketing their products; high pressure vessels, e.g. Filter Separator, Water Bath Gas Heater, Liquid Separator, Pipeline Pig Traps etc., used in Gas Process Plant and Gas Regulating and Metering Stations, M/s. Corrpro Companies Europe Limited – UK for marketing their products; Cathodic Protection Materials (anti corrosion materials), used in gas pipeline network, M/s. Zunt Italiana S.r.l. – Italy for marketing their products high pressure Insulating Joints, used in gas transmission and distribution pipeline, M/s. Zhejiang Yuxi Corrosion Control Corporation – China for marketing their products; Cathodic Protection Materials, M/s. Jining Xunda Pipe Coating Materials Co. Ltd. – China for marketing their products; Coating & Wrapping Materials, used in gas transmission and distribution pipeline.
Apart from above, we are also representing many other companies from EEC and USA for marketing their products in Bangladesh on case to case basis.
Our main customers are oil and gas sectors companies in Bangladesh, who are of our Government of Bangladesh owned companies. We are in this line of business since 1984 and have achieved remarkable volume of businesses for our overseas principal companies.